In real life we need food every day. How many times have you been busy or skipped a meal and then felt the pains of hunger? Our souls are fed the same way with the Eucharist. We may not realize what is missing, but when we become too busy, distracted or unaware of His love for us; we can feel the pains of hunger as a longing we can’t meet ourselves. We can try and fill that emptiness with other things, but it doesn’t satisfy us. Children have such an excitement as they are preparing for their First Communion; their desire to receive Jesus is very real. When I was younger I was often distracted with other things and didn’t always think about what I was receiving as I went up to communion. As I grew older, I realized it wasn’t “What” I was receiving but “Whom”. My awareness of God deepened my desire for the Eucharist, and my love for Him. I found myself praying more and asking God for His purpose for me. It led me to Sts. Joachim and Ann parish 23 years ago. Looking back, I can see so many instances where God has been right there with me in the ups and downs of life. At the height of the pandemic, watching Mass at home gave many people a sense of comfort but it wasn’t the same. Just like I longed to get together with so many relatives and friends, I missed receiving the Eucharist. I believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. I don’t understand how this mystery happens but if God can create everything seen and unseen, He can transform Jesus into food for our souls. If it has been awhile since you have been to Mass, I invite you to come back to receive your spiritual food and join your parish family.