NEW COVID-19 of 3/13/2020 at 8:00 pm
All Catholics in the Archdiocese of St. Louis are dispensed from Sunday Eucharist for the weekends of 3/14-15, 3/21-22, 3/28-29. Our Mass Schedule at Sts. Joachim & Ann will remain unchanged nonetheless.
According to Church law, Catholics who attend Mass are not required to receive Holy Communion except once annually. Holy Communion will be distributed only under the Species of the consecrated Host. All Catholics are urged to receive Holy Communion in the hand. Those who maintain a desire to receive Communion on the tongue MUST receive from the Priest-Celebrant ONLY. Extraordinary Ministers may distribute Communion ONLY in the hand.
Anyone who is in any way sick at all is URGED to stay home from any and all parish activities.
The Greeting of Peace prior to Communion may be exchanged verbally or by a bow ONLY. There is to be NO physical contact during the Sign of Peace.
We have no weddings or baptisms scheduled during Lent anyway. Christian Burial will ALWAYS be provided; however depending on the ongoing directives from St. Charles County Government and the Health Department it may be necessary to limit the size and scope of the funeral rites.
All who celebrate the Sacrament of Penance are encouraged to do so anonymously (behind the screen) in order to ensure the maintaining of social distancing between persons.
Decisions regarding the functioning of our school and the ongoing education of our children will be made as directives come from the St. Charles County Government, the Department of Health, the State of Missouri and the Archdiocese.
All CYC related activities are suspended through 3/31/2020 including practices. Our Athletic Association GALA AUCTION will be held ONLINE only. Information will be provided directly to those who bought tickets for the Gala as well as via the parish website about how that will work.
At this time, pending the fact that new developments are coming nearly every couple of hours, our weekly FISH FRY will from now on be CARRY-OUT ONLY.
All decisions regarding any other type of parish activity, gathering, meeting, organizational activity, etc. will be made on a case by case basis as we follow any upcoming gathering directives from the St. Charles County Government and Department of Health.